On 7th August and 8th August, a team of two from 8tech consults limited headed to Kyarusozi sub-county Kyenjonjo district to train farmers and recruit people for the usage of the ICT4Agric innovation. The main goal of this training was to train smallholder farmers in kyarusozi sub-county kyenjonjo district with the intended outcome of skilling of small-holder farmers on ICT adaptation, service delivery, content, and digital skills.
In the training, Farmers were introduced to ICT4Agric innovations, the team encouraged and mobilized for formulation and establishment of a united farmer group/organization for easier resource mobilization. The trainers also introduced the UNFFE ICT4FARMERS system and mobile application and farmers were encouraged to use the innovations in their farming practices. Farmers were also encouraged to use the toll-free call center so as to always be possible to seek to advise regarding their farming practices.
Below are the key outputs of the training;
- Farmers were mobilized and their contacts were registered.
- Successful training on the usage of the farmer’s toll-free line.
- Successful mobilization and sensitization for establishment of a united farmer’s union in the area.
- Successful training on the farmers discovering the potential income generating value chains.
- Successful training of digital inclusion in the areas small holder farmers in the sub county.
- Successful training finding market using the ICT4Agric Innovations
Lessons learnt
- There is need for establishment a united farmer’s union in the sub-county.
- There is much willingness for the farmers to adapt the use of ICT4Agric innovation.
- The farmers have potential to produce but are just challenged by limited markets.