
Magdalene Lane, along Kisaasi Ntinda Road in Kampala, Uganda.






Business Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Eight Tech Consults Ltd is an ICT services and Management consultancy firm that was formed with very strict core values of believing in freedom of respect and the value of the mind. We see our employees and clients as a foundation of our company. We believe in value creation and a shared sense of purpose with clients, yet keeping things simple. We’re imaginative but never irrelevant, confident but never cocky, down to earth but never dull in innovating for the future. We stand by a high sense of integrity, honesty, and truthfulness. We approach any business need with an open mind in order to provide appropriate solutions to customers, ensuring total customer satisfaction.”

Our core competencies are in the fields of Institutional Management and Governance, Enterprise and web software development, Cyber Security, Multi-Media content production (animations and graphics), Mobile
Apps development, E-learning Systems and Services, General ICT and Management Consultancy Service, Research formulation and Multi-Media among others. We boast of our experienced team which includes
professors, doctors and very technical people in both ICT and management.


“Innovating for the future generation”


“To contribute towards social and economic development: through the development and deployment of innovative technologies.”

Industries Served

Telecom, Education, Health, Security, ICT,  Transport and Aviation, Judiciary, Entertainment and Civil Society.

Anchor Products and Services

Supply of E-learning Solutions, Multi-Media Production (Animations and Graphics), Computer Hardware and software, Networking, Mobile and web application development, ICT training and Management Consultancy, Research and Data Science, Financial and audit services


Eight Tech Consults believes in value creation and a shared sense of purpose with our clients. We see our clients, not just as clients but partners in the advancement of technology in the betterment of humanity. We believe in keeping things simple.

We’re imaginative but never irrelevant, confident but never cocky, down to earth but never dull. We cherish team work and a shared sense of social and ethical responsibility in the execution of our tasks.