My 2016 Lessons. By Dr. Drake Patrick Mirembe, PhD.

It is a tradition in my family to take stock of our successes and failures at the end of every year. To be precise we conduct this exercise on 31st December of each year, at a quiet moment of the day we reflect on the performance of our resolutions. While we take note of lessons for our success and failures to form our New Year resolutions, hardly do we share these experiences beyond our family circles. After reading numerous books and listening to hundreds of inspirational and motivational speeches, I have learned that it is an injustice to the human race, if one does not document the wealth of knowledge gained overtime. Accordingly, as a family we have made one of our 2017 resolutions to write as much as we read in order to contribute to a wealth of knowledge to the human race. For the start, I decided to share a summary of the things I have learned in 2016. In subsequent blogs, I will expound more on each of statement, enjoy the reading.

  1. Always begin your day with a prayer, because you do not control your destiny. But God almighty does.
  2. When youFAIL, do not despair, because FAIL= First Attempt In Learning. In simple, never give up on your dreams.
  3. It is important to define your personal identity. If you don’t define yourself, the world will define you according to its standards.
  4. Success is not an accident about to happen to you on your life journey, but attained through; hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.
  5. When sourcing for a business opportunity, a NO is common response to many proposals you will write. If you get NO for your business proposal, do not despair, NO= Next Opportunity.
  6. Life is a collection of memories, good ones and bad one too. To enjoy life try to collect many good memories and they will do you good for your health as well.
  7. God gave us free will, with a responsibility to make decisions. Remember we succeed not by chances we take but rather by the choices we make. I have learned to never discount any idea, no matter how crazy it sounds.
  8. I grew up in a culture which promotes the respect of men and women who have witnessed many Christmases, with an assumption that they have more wisdom. I have come to learn that, the true age of a man is not defined by his calendar days, but by his wisdom.
  9. In 2016, I learned that every man or woman is born with a seed of greatness, give him the right bearings to his call and you will be amazed of what they can achieve. This taught me to stop judging the fish by its ability to climb a tree, but rather by its ability to swim.
  10. In 2016 I learned that, to win or succeed in life you have to standup for what you believe in no matter the size of your obstacles. The FEAR of failure is the greatest inhibitor to your success. Defeat fear and you’re on way up.
  11. You cannot be successful in too many things, just build a personal brand and be consistent in your output, before you know it. You will have become a household name, see MUKWANO and MOVIT.
  12. Being humble does not mean you’re STUPID or WEAK, but rather it means you’re SMART and WISE. Always choose your opportunities and battles wisely, if not careful they could be your last.
  13. If you’re running a business or a career do not just follow a trend, and if you must join the trend, remember to set the pace, otherwise set a new trend.
  14. Human beings will always remain human beings, if they could betray God the creator and Jesus the savior what about you? Therefore don’t work to please people, trust me they are hard to please. Just work fairly and justly to achieve your goals. Inherently some people will be pleased and others displeased.
  15. Make seeking knowledge your third need from oxygen and food. Accordingly, make it a habit to read a book a month, there hidden treasures in books.


The author is a Senior Consultant at Eight Tech Consults ( and a Lecturer at Makerere University (  & Uganda Technology and Management University (



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  1. James

    A very Good one

    1. webadmin

      Thanks James for reading our article

  2. Branco

    Great words of wisdom. I am learning a lot from your submissions. Thanks for sharing ☘

    1. Dr. Drake Patrick Mirembe

      Branco thanks for the feedback, happy to know you got one or two principles to apply in your life as you begin 2017.

  3. Okwadi Tukei

    “The greatest thing you can everllearn is to Love and be loved in return”You have always inspired me to do more in as far as reading is concerned.

    All I have learnt is that I can always make abetter student of research through reading ,re-reading and re-reading.
    Thank you so mucch forsharing such a powerful eexperience.I will always llearn a lot from you.
    Tukei (PhD Candidate)

  4. Okwadi Tukei

    It is really good to associate with academicians like you.You make is better students.
    Share more please, this is really quite inspiring.
    God bless,

  5. Frank Mutebi

    Great article

  6. mujuni nicholas

    It’s a nice msg

  7. Robert Amayo

    A very good start for the new year, 2017.

  8. Racheal

    Great and inspirational, so lifted up and encouraged.

  9. Marzma

    Wow.. a great read, looking forward to learning even more from the elaborated versions of each point.

  10. Byron

    These are things that very many people get a chance to know and ignore. Later in life they are flooded with regrets as a result of the consequences that accrue from the decisions or life styles they deliberately chose. Humility is really important and so is prayer. Thank you for your wisdom

  11. Kenn

    Very good thoughts. Still pondering on this one; “NO= Next Opportunity”!!!! Thank you

  12. Ian

    thank Dr, beautiful wisdom, most appreciated.

  13. Kiiza Judith

    Wonderful blog!!! I liked the complete article…greatly written. Thanks for all the information you have provided. .

  14. Paul

    Very well put; many thanks for sharing. God bless u.

  15. Carole

    Wow, Blown away by all the wisdom here. I love No. 7. Actually its ungodly to be indecisive. James 1:6-8, 1 Kings 18:21. It is related to double mindedness and hesitation. Hmm still pondering: “Remember we succeed not by chances we take but rather by the choices we make” Oh that i may make good choices! So help me God.

  16. Ronald Ssekajja

    I love the insight, very thoughtful and guiding

  17. Yakubu Rufai

    Message: I leant alot frm your writeup. Though i am Nigerian also your student at UTAMU. I need to remain with u for ever, so that will learn more.

  18. Mersian Tulyahebwa

    Wow! Thanks Dr. Drake Patrick Mirembe. Based on this level of wisdom, what is your true age! 50?, 75?, or above 100?

  19. Dennis Omvia

    Very inspiring piece, Dr.
    I can now not continue to do the same old things year in and year out and expect new results. 2017 is “mwaka” Hakuna Mchezo’

  20. Muzzha Zedekiah

    More soul please, I need it.

  21. Godfrey

    Well structured life lessons.Iam impressed by the volume of information in the 15 points outline.
    thank you for sharing these life lessons.

  22. Ronah

    Every word you say leaves me with something to ponder about…..thank you Dr. Mirembe. I love no.3.

  23. Egesa Ali

    wow!well structured life experience,am impressed,Thanks DR.Drake Patrick Mirembe

  24. Dr. Drake Patrick Mirembe

    Dear All
    Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate the feedback. My next article on goal setting is online. Enjoy the reading

  25. Robert

    Well said Drake….very inspirational

  26. Georgia

    Great article!

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