Support and facilitation of Education Institution Administrators in developing e-learning policy, e-learning implementation strategy and business module

Under this project the consultant majorly the development of a comprehensive e-learning integration framework consisting of an eLearning policy, eLearning implementation strategy, and eLearning business model by each of the 7Eis accepted by the EI management

  1. Review any existing e-learning implementation strategies, policy frameworks, and policies in the 7Eis.
  2. Support EI administrators to consult relevant stakeholders in the 7Eis to generate lessons to inform e-learning policy provisions and implementation strategy recommended to the educational institution’s e-learning policy strengthening.
  3. Develop an e-learning awareness and mindset change training materials
  4. Facilitate a physical e-learning awareness and mindset change training workshop for the administrators of the 7 education institutions.
  5. Support EI administrators from the 7 phase 1 beneficiary institutions
  6. Facilitate an e-learning policy and strategy awareness and mindset change workshop for teaching the teaching staff in each of the 7 phase 1 project education institutions


E-learning Solutions


June 3, 2024



Kampala, Uganda

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